Apply for a PhD position in our group


2021 Admissions Closed – XXXVII Cycle

Application Deadline – June 12, 2021 at 12.00 noon (Italian time)

The PhD position(s) announcement could be found every year here
All the information related to the application are uploaded on the above page. The Call for 2021 admissions has been closed now. The General notice for 2021 will be available at the above mentioned url during spring 2019.
The candidate who would like to apply for a PhD in our lab has to take into account of the followings:
  • DEADLINE (to submit the online application): Please remember to check the deadline (the time for submission is with respect to the Italian time)
  • CURRICULUM: Robotic Mobility
  • INTERVIEW: an interview will be held at DII (Department of  Enginnering for Innovation, UniSalento. Those who will not be able to partecipate in person for the interview at the vanue, can be interviewed via Skype. Please contact in advance with a person from our lab (Prof. Giulio Reina).
For the APPLICATION the candidate will need:
  1. Personal data
    • Name and Surname
    • Codice Fiscale – if the candidate doesn’t have it, to be left empty
    • Birthday and birthplace
    • Phone number and Address – it must be an italian address! foreign candidates have to write the address of their embassy in Italy
    • Citizenship
  2. PhD Curriculum: (name + code) Robotic Mobility
  3. Research Project Proposal (maximum 10 pages): this will NOT necessarily be the candidate research topic after he/she get the position! It is a way to assess the candidate’s ability to organize and carry out research.
  4. Reference letters (minimum 1 – maximum 3): to be sent to Coordinator of the doctoral course and Prof. Giulio Reina by e-mail directly by the person who write them ← NOT to be uploaded online!
    NOTE: the name, status and service place of the referees chosen by the candidates must be stated in their applications.
  5. ID card or Passport: a copy of both the sides
  6. Title and abstract of bachelor and/or master thesis
  7. List of exams and grades: if possible, provide a brief description of the class (not strictly necessary)
    NOTE: if the candidate can get an official document is better, otherwise even an exel table should be ok
  8. Self certification: the form is available online and it must be submitted duly signed along with the application!
For foreign candidate, (7) and (8) must be translated in italian:
In the case of a degree obtained abroad and judged suitable, if the qualification has not yet been deemed equivalent, the candidate shall require that this recognition be granted for public exam purposes only. In such cases candidates shall also enclose the following documents:
a) a translation of the academic qualifications duly notarized by the Italian diplomatic or consular office of the country in which the qualifications were achieved;
b) a “Dichiarazione di Valore” (Declaration of Worth) of the qualifications drawn up by the same consular body.
NOTE: usually the academic transcripts are accepted even if they are not translated in Italian, but an English copy should be sufficient.